the spurs almanac

june 17th

               Results (Tottenham's score shown first)
               (match reports accessible by clicking on opponent's name, where available)

1966 Bayern Munich (Germany) N (Detroit) Friendly 3 - 0


Games on this day in Tottenham Hotspur's history

TOTAL Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
  1 1 0 0 3 0
Home Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
0 0 0 0 0 0
Away Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
0 0 0 0 0 0
Neutral Played Won Drawn Lost For Against
1 1 0 0 3 0
Biggest win on this day

3-0  Bayern Munich  (Friendly)  (Neutral)  1966

Biggest defeat on this day


Biggest score-line on this day

3-0  Bayern Munich  (Friendly)  (Neutral)  1966

Last win on this day

1966  3-0  Bayern Munich  (Friendly)  (Neutral)

Last draw on this day


Last defeat on this day


Teams we have played on this day

Bayern Munich 1


          Notable Dates


Information gathered from "Spurs - A Day-To-Day Life" by Graham Betts, Spurs Handbooks,  
"Spurs - A Complete Record" and "The Spurs Alphabet" both by Bob Goodwin and other sources.

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